Extended Reality (XR) is an umbrella term covering the three domains of virtual reality (VR). augmented reality (AR). and Mixed Reality (MR). It is a term commonly used to discuss the broad range of technologies and applications relating to artificial environments which use VR, AR, and MR. Now that it is true all of these technologies are associated with artificial environments, the lines that divide them might still be unclear. Below we discuss the three domains of XR and what makes them different.
Virtual Reality: VR refers to a computer-generated simulation of an environment that can be experienced through a head-mounted display (HMO) or a similar device. The user is completely immersed in a virtual world, which is usually interactive and can be navigated in real-time. VR can be used for gaming, training simulations, educational purposes, and more.
Augmented Reality: AR refers to an interactive experience where the real-world environment is enhanced by computer-generated content. AR technology usually involves a device, such as a smartphone, tablet, or HMO passthrough, which overlays virtual content onto the real world. For example, an AR app might allow you to point your smartphone at a physical object and display additional information or 30 models on top of it.
Mixed Reality: MR combines elements of both virtual and augmented reality. MR technology typically involves a device, such as a headset or glasses, which allows the user to see both the real-world environment and computer-generated content at the same time. The virtual content is usually anchored to a specific location or object in the real world, allowing the user to interact with it in a more immersive way. While all three technologies involve computer-generated content, the main differences are in the way that they interact with the real world. Virtual reality creates a completely artificial environment, while augmented reality enhances the real world with virtual content. Mixed reality blends both the virtual and the real world together in an interactive experience.